Chaman India Handicraft is a manufacture of wrought Iron handicraft like Candle holder, Chandelier, Votive, Wall Sconce, Hurricane, Moroccan Lantern, Lamp, Basket, Hooks, Mirror Frame, Napkin Ring, Picture Frame, Wine Rack, Plates rack, Planter, Garden Accessories, and Decorative all other Indian handicrafts items.
There is a great demand for this type items around the world so work with us, be flexible and everything will work out great for both of us. Please see our homepage below. Please let us know if you are interested in any of the items and beside this if you have another means so please kindly inform me about your requires and hope that you would be satisfy with our products range. Please prompt reply. Thanking & hope for the best. Fahim
CHAMAN INDIA HANDICRAFT Thatera Street Moradabad 244001 (UP) India Cell: 91 9837437172